design thinking
Designers, consultants, biologist, chemist or environmental scientists, work together to develop new products or services.
The design thinking approach helps in the development of the creativity tools of the Forethinking program to find patterns from customers driving values and market insights. The design action learning activities produce a virtous process for new solutions (products, services, system models) based on circular paradigm.
LCA design tools
LCA design tools include the dynamic parametric model to help you in the ecodesign process. It is designed in compliance with ISO 14040 e 14044 international standard (life cycle assessment LCA), and has the purpose to assist you to balance solutions and new concepts (see environmental hotspots) in your innovation process. It includes all environmental aspects recommended by European Union.
Design thinking
“The design thinking working phase offers companies a concrete model to produce appealing, safe products made from pure materials, designed to be endlessly re-used and consistent the environment.”
Chicco Ferretti