The materials library was born from a joint initiative between Forethinking and the University of Bari, a project that connects the world of research and that of business to rethink the use of materials from a sustainable perspective. There are three essential...
L’innovazione sostenibile è un approccio all’innovazione che si concentra sulla creazione di soluzioni, prodotti, servizi o processi che soddisfano le esigenze delle generazioni presenti senza compromettere la capacità delle generazioni future di...
The project A study of the environmental impact of steel structures for building, the Mechano system, in all phases of its life cycle, materials, production and also the phase of use, reuse and disposal was carried out by Scaffsystem in collaboration with Forethinking...
How to understand if a product or service is actually ecological? Every consumer has the right to know which products are truly sustainable and which are not. For this reason, in March 2022 the European Commission proposed a system to protect EU consumers and to allow...